She can really be a sweetie, though. Sometimes she'll just be standing next to me and all of a sudden look up at me and say, "Hold you?" So, I'll pick her up and she'll say, "I wus you!" (I love you, in Zoe Language). So adorable....

She can be pretty canaille (that's pronounced cuh-NIE for all you illiterate Cajuns!)*** too. She was sitting in a white rocking chair and banging it against the wall, which wasn't gonna be too good for the paint. So, I told her to stop and she did. But, of course, as soon as I turned away from her to talk to John Vincent (her brother), she started again. I turned back to look at her and I just looked at her real seriously and didn't say anything. At first, she had a really ashamed and guilty expression on her face, but after a second, she smiled real big (and I was still frowning at her) and said "I wus you too!!!"
Also, the other day, when she got a spanking for ripping some paint off her wall, she got up after her dad was finished spanking her and said "That hurt my butt!"....Zoe, Zoe, Zoe. She make me laugh.
She has a kitchen that has a bunch of fake food and she always gives me some in a bowl. As soon as her back is turned, I hide the food behind a pillow or in my pocket or something. When she comes back, I say "Ooo! That was good! Thank you!" And I give her the empty bowl. The expression on her face is simply priceless! She is so confused! She looks in my hands, then back to the bowl. Then she opens my mouth and says, "You eat it?" Later, when I show her where the food was hidden she just says, "Thank you".
There is alot more that I could say about Zoe, but I think I'll stop here for now. I know that there'll be more funny stories in the future though! So, I'll just be going now!
***Spelling and pronounciation sentence from the Future Dr. Nichole Crocco