Thursday, October 30, 2008
"A Comedy Of Errors" (Performance at Parc International)
Plus, before the show, they had a costume contest. Me, Natalie, and Lydia wore our "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" costumes. (I was Sally Brown, Natalie was Lucy van Pelt, and Lydia was Woodstock). During intermission, they announced the winners. We won 2nd Place!! We won some tickets to a show called "100 Years of Broadway"...which ironically enough is a show that me and Natalie auditioned for just yesterday! (we're gonna find out the results of the audition on Monday! I can't wait, but I'll tell more about that in a later post).
Okay, well it's 11:00 and I better go get ready for bed....Goodnight Everybody!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday wait actually it's Wednesday morning!
By the way, the other reason that I decided to post something is because if I didn't I would be afraid that the "Blog Police" (better known as Jennifer Stanford) would fuss at me.....ha ha :-)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, Monday, Monday...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sad Day On Broadway
Laura Bell Bundy, Annaleigh Ashford, Dequina Moore, Leslie Kritzer, and Ensemble in "What You Want":

I'm really gonna miss "Legally Blonde". In Showcase 2009, me, Natalie, and Natalie and a few other people are gonna perform "Omigod You Guys" from "Legally Blonde! That'll be very fun! If you wanna ever watch "Legally Blonde" here's the link:
Act 1:
Act 2:
Well, this has been my tribute to "Legally Blonde the Musical"!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008, 4:04 PM
We had a very lovely time. Yesterday after Ponytail Pals, me, Natalie, and Natalie went to Wal-Mart. We told Natalie LaCombe that we were going because we wanted to see if they had cute dresses and to show Natalie Sibille some fabric that we were considering buying. But that wasn't the real reason! The real reason we wanted to go was because we wanted to play a little trick on Natalie LaCombe...hee hee hee
Here's what we did: We all went to the back, to the fabric section and started looking at fabric. Then, I told them that I needed to go use the bathroom, so I left them and went to the front of the store, but I didn't really go to the bathroom...Before I go on, I just need to explain something: me, Natalie, and Natalie are all very interested in the Twilight books (as I have mentioned before) and Natalie and Natalie have a small obsession with one of the main characters whose name is Edward Cullen. So, I went to one of the counters and asked the lady if she could call "Edward Cullen" over the loud speaker cause we couldn't find my "brother". (Natalie and Natalie claim to be the main character "Bella" (Edward's girlfriend) and I claim to be "Alice" (Edward's sister).) It was very funny, but we didn't quite get the reaction that we expected from was a small bit dissapointing...It was still very fun to be mischievous, though! And she still doesn't know that me and Natalie are the ones who got his name called over the loud speaker!!!
After that, me and Natalie Sibille came back to her house and ate some yummy supper. Then we just hung out at her house, just being happy to be together! We were also planning our outfits for a future field trip that we're going on together...
Today, we slept in till 10:20 AM, then we at grits and bacon for breakfast...very scrumptious! And we watched "Gone With The Wind". I've never seen the whole thing (Actually, I still haven't...we only got about halfway through...that is a LONG movie!). So far it is a very good movie and I cannot wait to finish watching it!
Later on tonight, we're going to the Cemetery Tours. We were in them last year, but this year, there weren't really any parts for us. Most of the characters were men from different wars. Plus, we were totally busy with wedding stuff, so we didn't have the time anyway. But we're going to go see them tonight and that should be quite enjoyable!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My Friends!
First, the Vander Molens. They are three sisters: Rachel who's 16, Tessa who's 15, and Becca who's 14. They are so fun and I love being around them cause we're so comfortable with each other and laugh at anything. I met them at Mrs. Meghan's where we all take dancing. They're homeschooled, actually, we're in a homeschool group called Faith Fellowship with them. Here are a few pictures of us!
The next friend I shall talk about is Anna-Maria. I have known her for a really long time...I don't actually ever remember meeting her, but my mom says that we used to play together on the bleachers at our big brothers basketball games....she's about to be 17 and is homeschooled!
Another friend that I've been close to for years and years is Hannah. She's the second from the right in the picture above. We've known each other since we were babies. Our moms are very close friends. I love her mom very much too! She's almost 17 and goes to school at WCA, which she doesn't like very much cause she gets so much homework...I don't like it either cause it means I get less time with her....
Next, I will tell all about Krista! I met Krista a couple of years ago and we became friends quite fast! We're just meant for each other! We're alot alike in many ways, but we can be different too! I always have a good time with Krista and we laugh at just about everything too...Krista's 15 and she's homeschooled, like me!
And that's me and Krista doing our "signature pose" at my birthday party...ha ha
I love this picture of me and Krista! We're standing in the field by her pretty. It was the PERFECT day for taking pictures! And the picture below is another picture from that same day...
Next up is Natalie Marie LaCombe....or Natalie Nerd TM...She's a very special friend...she's different from anybody else I've ever met...Sometimes she can annoy me to no end and other times she just makes me laugh....We're as close as sisters. Actually, my mom calls her her adopted daughter and Natalie sometimes calls my mom "Mom". We're neighbors and I've known her for as long as I can remember...Actually I've known her since before I can remember cause I've known her all my life. She's 18 and just graduated last year. She's going to Cosmetology School and enjoying it quite alot!
Me and my nerd playing in the rain...ha ha
Me and Natalie at Krista's house during our black and white photo shoot!"Alice" (me) and "Bella" (Natalie) at Bella's birthday party that I threw for Natalie and Natalie/Bella and Bella.
Next is Natalie Sibille. Wow...I don't even know where to start! We've only known each other for a little over a year, but we are SO close! I love her so much and we are perfect friends for each other. We can't go an entire day without talking to each other at least on the phone and we absolutely HATE it if we have to go more than a few days without seeing each other. We met through the Opelousas Little Theatre where we both act and sing in plays! The first thing I ever noticed about Natalie is her BEAUTIFUL voice! That girl can sing! We love to sing together! It's one of our very favorite things to do. Also, we LOVE the Edward books....also known as the Twilight Saga. Natalie LaCombe loves them too and we just got Krista hooked on them. Tomorrow night I'm going to spend the night at her house, so that should be very fun! Well here are some pictures of us!
This is a picture of Katie Ringrose (Natalie) and Alice Augusta Dietlien Boagni (me). This was for the Cemetery Tours, last October. That's when we decided we would be BFFN (best friends for now), but lately we've changed our minds and decided to be BFF (best friends forever and ever and ever!)
Here we are as Sally Brown (me) and Lucy van Pelt (Natalie) when we were performing in "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" a few months ago. This was one of the most special plays we were ever in together cause we wanted these parts SO badly and we got them!!!

And this is a picture from "Broadway On 2nd Street" when we performed "What Is This Feeling?" from Wicked. I was Galinda and she was Elphaba...but I didn't make her be green. I wanted her to, but she didn't, so I didn't make her...

And here's the REAL Bella and Alice during Bella's birthday party!
The only close friend of mine that I haven't mentioned is Annelise. She's my far-away friend. She used to live here in Louisiana, but when I was 7 she moved to Ohio...I still miss her like crazy, but we keep in touch through email and hopefully, I'll see her again someday! Her family came down for a visit a few years ago, and that was so AWESOME! I hope they come again soon!
This is me and all of my friends at my Red Carpet Birthday party. (From left to right) Hannah, Natalie Sibille, Natalie LaCombe, Ashley (Krista's sister), Claire (my neice), ME!, Krista, Becca, Rachel, Lydia, Tessa, Amanda (a friend I used to go to school with, and Abby (Hannah's sister).
Well, I am SO thankful for the friends I have and I hope I can stay close to all of them!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lydia's Arm
And here's Mrs. Donna, Natalie LaCombe's mom who works at the hospital and took care of Lydia!
Well, it's been a long day...hopefully tomorrow will be a little better! And hopefully Mom and Lydia can get some sleep tonight. Last night, Lydia couldn't get comfy to go to sleep and Mom was sleeping with her and so Mom couldn't get to sleep either....
Tomorrow, I might be going to get my hair cut and I'm real excited!!! It should be very cute! I can't wait!
My Family
This is my big brother, David. Actually this picture is very
After Nony is ME!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Broken Arm....
Just a Tuesday....
Nony and Frank left pretty early...around 9:00 PM, but Mrs. Nancy stayed very late. We played cards (Spoons and Shang Hai) for a very long time. And we all ate dessert. I think we each had something different cause we have any kind of dessert you could possibly want in our house right now...We have stuff left from the shower, the Rehearsal Dinner, and plenty of cake left from the wedding. Oh and by the way, the cakes that Natalie made for the wedding were simply divine! The red velvet bride's cake was pretty yummy, but it had a little more frosting than I usually like, but the groom's cake (which was an Italian flag...) was AMAZING!!! It was so scrumptious!! So that's what I ate last night. Mom had pumpkin cheesecake and I'm not really sure what everybody else had, but if you want it, then we've probly got it...
So, we stayed up quite late last night with Mrs. Nancy, but my lovely mother let us sleep in this morning, which made me very, very happy! When I woke up (at 9:30 AM), I stayed in bed for awhile, and then got up finally and took a shower. I still had my hair up from the wedding and when I took it down I had a truck load of bobby pins and a gallon of hairspray holding it up (which is probly why it lasted 3 days and still looked kinda good). So when I took all those bobby pins out my hair just kinda stayed up! So, I went and washed it's back to normal...ha ha.
We did a tiny bit of school today. I'm homeschooled and usually my mom likes to stay on schedule, but the last week and a half, she's been very leniant with school since we've been doing so much stuff for the wedding. So, we didn't do too much school today.
Around 2:30 PM, me and Mom left to go get Nony and Frank to bring them to the airport. They had a plane back to New York to catch...
We had a very sweet little while over there at the airport. We only had about 15 or 20 minutes together, but they were some very special minutes. Frank even called me "sis"! That was so sweet! When I was telling Nony bye, we just stood there hugging and talking for awhile. When I realized that she was going back up to New York and wouldn't be home until after Christmas, I almost lost it and started crying....I was really close. But, I pulled myself together and gave them hugs and we left... :-(
Later, we went to visit Mrs. Carrie Huguet who just had twin baby boys. Their names are Jackson and Samuel. Those little baby boys are ADORABLE! It was my first time getting to meet them and they were very, very cute! Mrs. Carrie also has a 1-year-old daughter named Hattie who is a cutie too! I babysit for her sometimes.
Well, tomorrow is Wednesday and I love Wednesdays. I have Hope For Opelousas tutoring that me and Mom help out with (I'll tell more about that tomorrow) and Youth Group at church, which is always very fun, so tomorrow should be a very nice day too!
That's all for now!
The REST of The Wedding
Oh yes! The reception!
It was so cool seeing family, friends (from church and other friends), and all of Frank's family all at the same place at the same time. It was also a little weird...I didn't quite know who to talk to. So, I just walked around and talked to everybody! Of course, everytime I'd start talking to somebody, then another bridesmaid or Nony or Mom would come and tap me on the shoulder and say "They need the bridal party! It's time for the toast!" or "You have to go dance with the person you walked with!" or something like that. It was so fun and chaotic! And like I said, I LOVE chaos! (Even though my mom sometimes gets a little tired of it!)
So, anyways, for the toast I got my very first taste of champagne! I was quite nervous! I didn't wanna make an awful face up there in front of everybody if I didn't like it, so Morgan and Anne were both telling me all about it, so I wouldn't get surprised!
My favorite part of the reception was probably the dancing! Because I danced with such fun people. The first dance was with Angelo, Frank's brother that I walked down the aisle with. That was the bridal party dance. After that, I danced with anybody who would dance with me. Then I danced with my big brother, Jade! He's is my very favorite person to dance with! I just have so much fun with him! We don't do the traditional normal dances...we make up our own stuff and we have the most fun that way!! I danced with Ethan next. He was a great dance partner. Alot more fun than my brother, Nathan, who won't dance at all. I danced with Owen, Blythe, Frank, Paw-Paw, Mom, Morgan, Jenn, Nony....the list just keeps on going! The one person that I didn't dance with that I'm dissapointed about is Dad. We were certainly supposed to dance together, but it just didn't happen :-(...Ethan and Owen kept coming back and tugging on my dress and asking me to dance with them again. It was very sweet!
We danced and danced until the music stopped and we did the charivery (now I know I spelled that wrong, but I cannot remember how that's spelled). Charivery is a Cajun tradition of banging on pots and pans after the couple is married. It was fun! We didn't have real pots and pans, but we had little mini tin pan thingys that we all banged together and made a bunch of noise with! It was a really spectacular way to end the night!
We headed outside cause we were told that the new couple wanted to use the hot tub, so they kicked us all out...When we were saying our goodbyes we all expected it to be about 11:30 PM, but it was only 8:45 PM!!!
So, me, Lydia, Mom and Mrs. Nancy came home and looked at some of the pictures that Mrs. Nancy took at the wedding and talked until about 11:30 PM. And after that, we finally went to bed. It was a loooooooooong day, but also one of the best days! I hope it was really special for Nony and Frank!! They just seemed to be exploding with happiness all afternoon, so it seems like it was!
Nony's Wedding
Friday night we had a surprise bachelorette party for her! Only I don't really know if it was a total surprise...I think she figured out that there was something going on...It was really fun, except that Nony wasn't feeling especially good. She had a tummy ache or something. And Frank (her fiancee' at the time, but now her husband!) and his family's plane had been delayed when they were leaving from New York, so they missed their next connecting flight in Houston. So Nony was a little upset about that...cause they were supposed to arrive Friday night, but they wouldn't be getting there till Saturday morning...But she still enjoyed herself, I think! She was surprised that her friend Jenn was there cause she wasn't supposed to come in until Saturday. So that was fun seeing her be so excited about that...I was a bridesmaid and it was really great meeting all the other bridesmaids. I already knew one of them, but I had only heard about the others or met them briefly. So it was so cool to get to know them better. I had so much fun with Morgan who is one of Nony's friends. We got along really well. And then her friend Jenn was really nice too! And I liked Anne alot too! I really like my sister's friends! Christy was the one that I already knew and it was good to see her again cause I hadn't seen her in a long time! The bachelorette party was at Zeus and I got some very yummy chicken schwarma!
Saturday was the Rehearsal Dinner. I LOVED meeting all of Frank's family. They are Italian and they are so much fun to be around. I sat at a table with all of his brothers and his two friends and Morgan. So, when we served our gumbo, me and Morgan were the only ones that knew what we were doing. So, we helped all the other people serve their bowls. It was pretty funny cause I never have heard anybody give the directions of how to serve gumbo....
My big brother, Jade, and his whole family spent the night at our house Saturday night. That means we had 7 extra people! I loved it! I really love it when our house is full of people and chaos! Jade and his wife Jennifer have 5 kids: Claire-11, Ethan-5, Blythe-4, Owen-3, and Evelyn-9 months. So with Mom, Dad, me, Nathan, and Lydia...we had 12 people in our house!! So fun!
Sunday morning, we didn't go to church cause we had ALOT of getting ready to do. First, I ate breakfast. Then I did my nails. I really wanted to have them be perfect for the wedding. Usually my nails come out quite nicely, but I was being really picky. Plus, I was using dark red nail polish so it showed up every little teeny mistake. It was a small bit frustrating, but finally I achieved almost perfect...Then I moved on to my hair. First I had to curl it and I wanted it to be really curly for the hairdo that I was gonna have. So that took a really long while to do. Thankfully, I had Claire with me to entertain me while I did. She kept doing things that made me laugh (like putting a really messed up Hannah Montana wig on....). After that, Mom fixed it. I must say that I was really nervous about my hair, but I shouldn't have been because Mom did and excelently wonderful job with it! It was exactly what I wanted! Then I got dressed. Oh my goodness! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my bridesmaid dress! It's long and red and the front just looks like a long red waterfall! I just feel so beautiful when I wear it. Then I put on the jewelry that Nony gave all of us bridesmaids. By the way, the jewelry was really georgeous too! Nony has such wonderful taste!
When we were all ready to go, just me and Mom left. We left all the chaos behind at home....Mom had me drive the van there, so she could give herself a pedicure. While we were driving, she requested that I tell her everytime we were about to hit a bump in the road. Since the part of the interstate that we were driving on had alot of bumps, I was just saying, "Bump.....bump................bump.
....bump, bump..................bump.....etc." So Mom said, "Just let me know when we get to a smooth spot..."
Finally, we got there! We went inside and soon, Nony got there too! So, we started getting ready. It was really exciting! All the other bridesmaids were there getting ready too. We were helping each other with hair and makeup. Jenn did my makeup. She told me that I had beautiful lips and eyelashes, which made me feel very happy inside! After we'd been there for awhile, people started arriving. My friend Natalie Sibille, who made the cake, got there with the cake. When they first got there, the cake was a little messed up in one part, but they fixed it up so well, that you couldn't even tell that it was ever messed up. It was quite beautiful! Then more people started getting there! When Frank and the rest of the Crocco's got to Sunny Meade, I happened to be peeking out of the window. When I told Nony that Frank was there, she got all excited and jittery and wanted to peek out and see him! It was really cute! (It's kinda weird to call my big sister cute cause she usually calls me cute...but she really was adorable getting all excited like that)
The time passed pretty fast and before we knew it, it was time to go stand in line and get ready to walk down the aisle! I was so excited and Angelo, Frank's brother who I was walking with, was a little nervous, I think. Morgan and Frank's friend, Dennis were right behind us and they were making me laugh. It was a really great couple of minutes that we stood there. We were all just so very happy! And right now while I'm writing about it, it just makes me feel so happy again!
When we walked out and stood up on the gazebo, everything was just so beautiful! And when Dad and Nony walked out my happiness was in my whole body just bubbling and making me excited and full of energy and I certainly couldn't have stopped smiling if I would have tried! The ceremony seemed perfect! Frank even called Nony "sha" (and just so you know, I know that's not how you spell "sha"....but when you spell it like "cher" it just looks funny), which was really cute and sweet.
After the ceremony, we took pictures. My dear little brother Nathan, who's 13 and knows much better, changed out of his nice wedding clothes into a t-shirt and jeans...That was the one time during all of the wedding and wedding preparation and everything that I saw Nony really get upset. When he walked out wearing that t-shirt and jeans, she said, "NATHAN FEUCHT!" I really couldn't believe my eyes! Mom, Nony, and Jennifer had told him that he better not dare take off his wedding clothes without permission. So, we did our very best to hide his shirt from being in the pictures....I don't know if it worked....I hope so. After we were done taking those pictures, Mom told him to go back and put on his dressy clothes. Nathan playfully asked, "Mom? Are you serious?" And Mom, very seriously said "I am DEAD serious!" I was thinking, "You tell him, Mom!"
The reception was very awesome! We incorporated a few Italian traditions into it and lots of our normal ones. I don't know which of our traditions are Cajun and which ones are just normal at all weddings across the country. But all of the wedding party's names were announced and we went out and stood in the middle of the dance floor and then Nony and Frank were announced and "The Eye Of The Tiger" started playing and they ran out and high-fived us. It was really fun!
Well I suppose I shall have to finish this later cause we're going to pick up Nony and Frank to drop them off at the airport to head back to New York and if I don't post this soon, then I don't know what Jennifer's gonna do, so I'll finish up later!