First, there's my Dearest Darlingest Momsie and Popsicle! I love them oh so very much! They are the best! They've been married for 22 years now and they love each other ALOT! My mom hardly ever says no to anything we ask her, even if it means that she'll be a little stressed out! So sweet! And Dad just never says least not to me... (By the way, this picture was taken on the day of their last anniversary, which was before Hurricane Gustav, so, as you can see, the tree and the fence behind them are all still in tact...) This is my big brother, David. Actually this picture is very
old, but it is the only picture of them that I could find of my brother. The other people in the picture are Torrie, Emma, and Madison. Torrie is his wife and Emma and Madison are his twin daughters (who are four years old I said this picture is old.) Anyway they also have one other daughter named Hailey, she's 7, I think. I always get confusified about her age. They live in Forest Hill.
Next is my brother Matt...and, sadly, I can't find any pictures of him at all...He lives in Georgia, so we don't get to see him very often.
Next is Jade! He is hilarious and I love him very much and look up to him alot! He's married to a WONDERFUL woman named Jennifer (I love her alot, too! And I've always been so grateful to Jade for bringing her into our family!) They have 5 kids. Claire is the oldest. She's 11. We get along very well and we're pretty close! Then there's Ethan, he's 5. He's such a sweetie and can give very nice compliments to you! Next is Blythe who's 4. Me and Blythe have always been close. We just have a special connection and we've always been very dear to each other! Next is Owen...he's 3...he just cracks me up. He's so funny. I always laugh at him
. Little Evelyn is the baby of their family. She's 9 months old and she is one of the chubbiest babies I've ever seen...and one of the cutest! She's so cuddle-able and she's got a really sweet disposition! I love Jade and all of his family! They're great!
Then, there's Nichole or "Nony". That's the name I gave her when I was a baby. She just got married to Frank Crocco! They are living in New York/New Jersey. Nony was living in New York City, but now they are living in Frank's apartment in New Jersey. Nony is getting her Phd in English and Frank just got his Phd, so he is officially Dr. Frank!After Nony is ME!
Then, Nathan...he's 13...he would be horrified,
if he knew that I chose this picture of him to put on my blog....He was dressed like Abraham Lincoln because he recited the Gettysburg Address for a talent show that we were in. He actually did a wonderful job, but Nathan really hates dressing up...He's really outdoorsy. He likes hunting and fishing and skateboarding and he's really good at all three. I especially appreciate the fishing cause I LOVE fried fish!
And the youngest is Lydia. She's 10. We share a room and we do alot together. Our personalities are pretty different, but I do know that she looks up to me. She's also almost big enough for us to share clothes! We can share a couple of shoes and some shirts, which is awesome! I think she's gonna be taller than me...
Well, that's everybody! I love my family alot and I love spending time with them! They're great! And even though all our personalities are pretty different, we all fit together perfectly...most of the time...
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