Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Renaissance Festival!

Alrighty! I can finally put the pictures up!! Yay! I've tried so many times and every time something has stopped me. The first time I got all ready to put them up and then I went to get the camera and I couldn't find it. Much to my dismay, Natalie LaCombe, who had been taking pictures of us accidentally forgot to give the camera back to us and brought it all the way to school with her in her purse...The next time I tried (after I got it back from Natalie) the battery on the camera was dead. So I had to charge it and yesterday I was too busy to do it. So now finally I can do it today!
Me, Claire, and Natalie Sibille in the van on the way there!

Me onstage with Garbanzo the juggler/fire-eater. I got picked to be a voluteer for his show. See? I manage to get myself onstage no matter where I am!Lady Rosemary, Lady Lydia, Garbanzo, Lady Serena, Lady Mary Alice, and Lady Isabella! (We all had special "renaissancey" names for the day...well except Lydia, her name was already renaissancey sounding)
Lady Lydia and Annut the court jester.

Natalie Sibille, Claire, Lydia, Natalie LaCombe, and I meeting Queen Elizabeth!
Natalie and Natalie in the carriage when we went for a ride in a horse drawn carriage!

And ME in the front of the carriage! I got to drive a little while too!
Natalie Sibille and I after we got home. This is on the white bridge close to my house.
On the bridge again switching my tiara for her hat...ha ha.

I love this picture of Natalie running down the hill!
It was a really great day! My favorite parts were probably being onstage for Garbanzo's show and riding in the carriage. I got to throw a torch that was lit to Garbanzo while he was already juggling two other ones! It was fun! Riding in the carriage was fun, too. Only, the lady driving the carriage talked my head off about horses and riding them and so on. She just kept going on and on and on. I was very polite and I think she confused my politeness with interest. So, she just kept talking on and on about it...but other than that, it was great!
Now, there's just one more little story I have to tell before I go. On the way there we passed "Bass Pro Shop" and Nathan and his friend Nick both freaked out! They were about to seriously jump out of the van. They were begging Mom to stop there on the way home. So, when were heading home, Mom whispered to me to cover Nathan and Nick's eyes when we were passing it. She was only joking, and I was the only one who even heard it. So, I decided that I would just go ahead and give it a shot and try not to let them notice that we were passing it. I went through this whole charade of that I had a surprise for them and made them not look and made all kinda noise like I was looking for their "surprise". I was so excited, we were passing it and I had been successful, then Claire says "Hey. Look. We just passed Bass Pro Shops." Well, of course Claire had no idea that we had been trying to distract them...she thought that I really had a surprise for them. It was pretty funny. Of course the boys started having hysterics again, trying to get Mom to stop....
Well that's all for now!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Weekend

Okey Dokey, I really have quite alot to write about, but I'm gonna just start with my weekend and write all about today tomorrow because I would really like to post some pictures and they aren't on the computer yet, so it'll have to wait.
Thursday (yeah, I know I said "the weekend" and Thursday isn't the weekend, but I gotta include it because important stuff happened that day). So, Thursday afternoon, me, Natalie, and Natalie headed to Wally World to get some material to make a dress for Natalie LaCombe to wear to the Renaissance Festival (which, by the way was today). We bought some very beautiful material. I just envisioned a dress in my head for Natalie the other day to make her for the Renaissance Festival...So I was gonna work on that over the weekend. Then Thursday night was Opening Night for "Of Mice And Men" at the Opelousas Little Theatre. Me, Natalie Sibille, and Mikey are doing Lights and Sound. So, we went to the theatre and they had a wonderful performance and a very good audience.
Friday we had Ponytail Pals. Rachel, Becca, Tessa, Natalie, Natalie, Hannah, and Amanda (another friend of mine that I don't get too see often enough) were the ones who came. It was a great meeting. We took time during the meeting to go around the table and just tell each person all their most wonderful qualities. So, if it was Tessa's turn, then we all just showered her with compliments about her qualities, whether they were appearance, personality, experience, or gifts....whatever came to mind! It was so wonderful...Amanda cried when it was her turn...really special time! Friday night, Natalie Sibille and I went to the theatre again. Believe it, or not, this performance was even better! The audience was even more responsive and it was just a great show. After the show a few people went to La Hacienda. La Hacienda is a Mexican Restaurant that has karaoke ever Friday night. So we went and did some singing! Me and Mikey sang "Anything You Can Do", I sang "Part Of Your World" and Natalie S. sang "On My Own". Other people from our group sang and that was quite enjoyable, but there were some other people there that we didn't know that were really annoying. They were probably in their young twenties and it was 2 girls and 2 boys. They were so aggravating! These people had obviously had way too much to drink and when it was their turn to sing these poor people could not carry a tune at all...they just screamed and gave everybody a head ache. But...other than that, it was very very fun! After that, me and Natalie S. came to my house and she spent the night over here. We spent about 30 or 45 minutes making the skirt for Natalie L.'s Renaissance dress.
Saturday morning, we left to go to her house to meet her mom who was taking us to Lafayette to go shopping for a costume for her to wear to the Rennaissance Festival. So, we headed to downtown Lafayette to the Fun Shop. Well, they had some pretty hideodeous costumes and they were real expensive. So, we decided that we were gonna go to Hancock Fabrics and get some material and sew her a dress too. So, that's what we did. We picked out some really pretty fabric. Then we went to a place called Roly Poly where they had some tortilla wrap thingys. You can get absolutely ANYTHING you want inside those things! It was so yummy. I had grilled chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, and honey mustard sauce. It was so delicious. We headed to Natalie's house and transformed her living room into a seamstress place and got to work. We sewed until it was time to go and we were very successful in getting it almost completed! It came out exactly like the vision of it that I had in my head when we were purchasing the material! I was so excited! We went over to the theatre and did our lights and sound and played cards up there in the light booth when we didn't have to be doing anything. I built a card castle....until Natalie blew it down :-(. When I got home, I worked on Natalie L.'s dress late into the night. I made some serious progress and it was really starting to come together.
Sunday, we went to church. After church, we went to Jade and Jennifer's house. A miracle happened on the way there! I was able to read in the truck without even feeling a teeny smigde of car sickness. I ALWAYS have car sickness when I read. And I love to read, so it would really be a fatastic way for me to pass the time on long car rides, but I don't usually have that option. But Sunday, I got to YAY! (and by the way only a couple days ago I had tried reading in the car and got very car sick....so I was REALLY surprised). We had a really fabulacious time at the Stanfords. I went with Jade when he went to sing at a Nursing Home. I enjoyed that immensly. Then we came back and took Claire with us cause she was spending 2 nights with us cause she was coming to the Renaissance Festival with us! Yay! On the was home in the highly crowded truck (I don't know why my parents decided to go in the truck instead of the van....) I chatted with my dear friend Natalie S. all the way home (I didn't get to experiment with reading again...it was too dark...Plus, I wouldn't have probly been able to concentrate...there was alot of noise in the truck. On the way there, Mom was sleeping, so noise was not exactly allowed.)
Okay, well that's all for now people. I'll finish up tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blog Award!

Yay! I got a blog award from Jennifer! That makes me so very happy inside! So she said the rules are that I have to list 5 things I love, pass on the award to other blogs I love, and put a link to Jennifer's blog since she is the one who gave me the award! So, here goes!

My five favorite things: Broadway, Pink, Cute Clothes, Laughing, and Chocolate! When all of that's together is amazing, I promise! Ha ha!

So now, I must give the blog award to other people! I don't really read that many blogs, but the few that I do read, I read them cause I love to!

First is http://jenniferstanford.typepad.com/ (Life With The Stanfords). Jennifer is my big brother Jade's wife (as I have mentioned before) and she is so awesome! I love talking to her! We can always have something to talk about and she's very encouraging! Her blog is almost as good as having a conversation with her!

Next, would be http://reallyrosemary.blogspot.com/ (Really Rosemary). That's Claire's blog. She's Jennifer's daughter, my neice. Her blog is fun to read because she talks about her family from her point of view and it's fun to see her brothers and sisters and parents from her perspective. Plus, she's usually funny...

Then, I would put Hannah Robinson http://livingforhim-hannah.blogspot.com/. She's the babysitter for Jennifer's kids. I met her the day that Evelyn was born and we just got along right away. Sometimes we email each other, but I like to read her blog cause it keeps me up to date with what she's doing.

And the last step was to put Jennifer's link to her blog, but I already did that, so I'm done! Thanks, Jennifer, for the blog award! I just love little small things like that, they just make me feel so happy!