Yay! I got a blog award from Jennifer! That makes me so very happy inside! So she said the rules are that I have to list 5 things I love, pass on the award to other blogs I love, and put a link to Jennifer's blog since she is the one who gave me the award! So, here goes!
My five favorite things: Broadway, Pink, Cute Clothes, Laughing, and Chocolate! When all of that's together is amazing, I promise! Ha ha!
So now, I must give the blog award to other people! I don't really read that many blogs, but the few that I do read, I read them cause I love to!
First is http://jenniferstanford.typepad.com/ (Life With The Stanfords). Jennifer is my big brother Jade's wife (as I have mentioned before) and she is so awesome! I love talking to her! We can always have something to talk about and she's very encouraging! Her blog is almost as good as having a conversation with her!
Next, would be http://reallyrosemary.blogspot.com/ (Really Rosemary). That's Claire's blog. She's Jennifer's daughter, my neice. Her blog is fun to read because she talks about her family from her point of view and it's fun to see her brothers and sisters and parents from her perspective. Plus, she's usually funny...
Then, I would put Hannah Robinson http://livingforhim-hannah.blogspot.com/. She's the babysitter for Jennifer's kids. I met her the day that Evelyn was born and we just got along right away. Sometimes we email each other, but I like to read her blog cause it keeps me up to date with what she's doing.
And the last step was to put Jennifer's link to her blog, but I already did that, so I'm done! Thanks, Jennifer, for the blog award! I just love little small things like that, they just make me feel so happy!
My five favorite things: Broadway, Pink, Cute Clothes, Laughing, and Chocolate! When all of that's together is amazing, I promise! Ha ha!
So now, I must give the blog award to other people! I don't really read that many blogs, but the few that I do read, I read them cause I love to!
First is http://jenniferstanford.typepad.com/ (Life With The Stanfords). Jennifer is my big brother Jade's wife (as I have mentioned before) and she is so awesome! I love talking to her! We can always have something to talk about and she's very encouraging! Her blog is almost as good as having a conversation with her!
Next, would be http://reallyrosemary.blogspot.com/ (Really Rosemary). That's Claire's blog. She's Jennifer's daughter, my neice. Her blog is fun to read because she talks about her family from her point of view and it's fun to see her brothers and sisters and parents from her perspective. Plus, she's usually funny...
Then, I would put Hannah Robinson http://livingforhim-hannah.blogspot.com/. She's the babysitter for Jennifer's kids. I met her the day that Evelyn was born and we just got along right away. Sometimes we email each other, but I like to read her blog cause it keeps me up to date with what she's doing.
And the last step was to put Jennifer's link to her blog, but I already did that, so I'm done! Thanks, Jennifer, for the blog award! I just love little small things like that, they just make me feel so happy!
You little blogger, you. I love ya', girl. I will see you Sunday. I'm trying really hard to convince you're mom she needs a blog. I would read it everyday. Wouldn't you?
I got a blog award from both of you! yes! Well I geuss that makes me next. huh?
see you sunday!
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