But, I was kinda bored because Claire had gone to eat lunch with one of their friends and the adults were talking about budgets and financial things and most of the kids were playing with Nathan's dirt-bike, which I've ridden on a bunch of times and I didn't care to get my clothes muddy, and Evelyn was asleep....so, I was quite alone...
So, I got on the computer for awhile, then went back and talked to Mom and Jennifer for awhile (who were no longer conversing about budgets). And FINALLY, Claire got home! We did some normal fun stuff, then we went outside and tried to play on the zip-line but we couldn't reach it. So, we took turns picking each other up to try to hang on it. Claire is taller, but apparently, I'm stronger, so we were most successful when I picked her up....haha. In the end though, we just gave up and went for a walk far behind their yard next to the canal.
We soon discoverated a tree that had fallen down during Hurricane Gustav. I decided that it would be super fun to climb across it, since it had fallen down right across the water and made a perfect bridge. Claire wasn't so sure....I had to do quite alot of convincing to get her out on that tree ha ha. But, eventually, I did and we had alot of fun climbing on it. Then, we decided to head back to her house to see if supper was ready yet. And YAY! it was. Delicious Taco Soup! (compliments of Jennifer!) We got nice and full of yummy soup and then invtited Nathan and Lydia to come climb on the tree with us before it got too dark. So, we all headed back there to the tree. We had lots of fun climbing across the tree. We decided that we wanted to actually climb down on the other side and walk over to where there was a bridge, though, since it was getting darker. So, once we had all safely landed on the other side we heard a little voice calling "Lydia!! Claire!! Nathan!! Gracie!!"....It was Blythe. And she wanted to come play with us. So, me and Nathan went back across the tree, to the other side of the very wide canal, to get Blythe and help her across. Blythie climbed on my back and we got on the tree and started heading across the tree. Nathan took off real fast, though, and left me and Blythe behind. So, Lydia came to help me with the task of getting this five year old (who really doesn't have the best balance) to the other side of the canal. I realized just getting her past a certain big branch was a feat in and of itself! But we finally reached solid land again. Getting OFF the tree was probably the hardest part it's a pretty big drop to a steep hill, so Nathan and Claire grabbed a long branch and I also grabbed, then put Blythe on my back and Nathan and Claire sorta pulled us to help me land on my feet and successfully get up the steep hill. Then, as soon as me and Blythe we safely on dry land, we realized that it had gotten dark, so we decided that there was no way that we wanted to climb back over that tree with Blythie in the dark. But, thankfully, we knew of a few bridges nearby that we could cross without too much effort. So, we started walking towards the one to the left. We realized that it was much further than we thought, so we turned back towards the tree to walk to the other bridge that looked WAY closer. Except Nathan...he was determined to go to the other bridge. So, me, Claire, Blyth, and Lydia ventured off on our own. Eventually, we passed by the tree again. We kept walking....the bridge couldn't be too much further! Then, we heard a voice behind us: "Wait! Wait for me! I'm gonna come with ya'll!" It was Nathan. He changed his mind and very wisely decided to stick with the group.
We walked a little ways and then we heard a very strange noise. I had never really heard a noise quite like it before. So I asked Claire, "Was that you?" It wasn't. Nathan said "I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!! GUYS, THAT'S A BOBCAT!! I KNOW! I'VE HEARD THEM BEFORE WHEN I WAS HUNTING!!"
Well, it took us absolutely no time to turn around, get Blythe on my back, and head in the opposite direction, back to our beloved tree. We were all freaked out completely and just frantic with panic. Lydia and Nathan climbed on the tree first. Then, we had the task of getting Blythe back up on the tree. Poor Claire was just behind us waiting! Blythe was saying, "Guys! I'm scared! I don't don't even know what a bobcat is! I wanna go home!"
Finally we got on the tree. We all went across: Lydia, then Nathan, then me with Blythe choking me to death, and last Claire. Lydia took off and didn't wait for any of us. Thankfully Nathan stayed behind and helped me with Blythe. Claire passed me up and took off on land. When I got off the tree (which was no easy accomplishment), I just ran! Blythe is heavy and she was holding on very tightly around my neck and very successfully choking me. Eventually, it just became too much. I couldn't run any further with her on my back. I was actually having trouble breathing! I had run a really far distance with that little (I shouldn't say "little"...she's so tall...) girl on my back. And it's a very big field that's behind Jade and Jennifer's house! I took her off and gave her to Claire and Claire helped Blythe the rest of the way to the house.
We burst through the door and Jade said..."Why are ya'll all out of breath?"
Monday night, I broke out in a really bad rash on my neck and the back of my leg. Mom said that it must be an allergic reaction to something. The only thing unusual that I'd eaten were cashews in Rachel's trail mix on Monday afternoon. So, we figured that I must be allergic to cashews.
So, Wednesday we took a visit to the allergy doctor. I was hoping that the itching and swelling would go away really fast! My neck was swollen to the point of me looking like I had a double chin. I really wanted my neck to go back to it nice normal size! As soon as the allergy doctor saw me, he said, “Oh, that’s Poison Ivy.” Which, I, for some reason, always expected. But, Mom was so sure that it wasn’t because it came out SO badly, SO fast. It usually takes poison ivy a few days to come out, but mine started the very next day! We finally figured out that it must have been Blythe that got into poison ivy. Then, when she was holding on around my neck while we were out running the bob-cat, she rubbed it into my skin real good…and that would explain why it was so bad so fast! Anyway, they gave me a shot and the spots on my neck are healing pretty fast, but the spots on my hands and legs are just getting worse…This is by far the worst case I ever had!
I hope it just gets better soon! :-) For now, I’m itching…and trying not to scratch!
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