Well, in February, we celebrated Dad, Lydia, Natalie LaCombe, and Uncle Stonnie's birthdays. Natalie's came first, so I'll tell all about that one first. Natalie's birthday is actually January 8 and she'd been planning to have a party, but she works so much that she just wasn't getting a chance to plan it. One night Natalie Sibille and I were talking on the phone (like we do nearly every night...), but we weren't really having anything interesting to talk about. Natalie S. said that it was because we didn't have anything in the near future to look forward to or talk about or plan. So, I said, "Let's plan a surprise party for Natalie!"
We decided to just invite everybody that Natalie LaCombe knew (well maybe not everybody, but alot of people) to meet at some restaurant and have a party for her. We didn't know when the next time Natalie would have a Friday or Saturday that she wasn't working, so we could have the party. We waited only one week to find out that Natalie would have Friday, February 13 off! Well, the restaurant ended up being Chili's. We invited people from the theatre, church, family, friends, her cosmetology school, and OHS (her highschool). Of course, not everybody that was invited came, but we still had a pretty big group! We told her that just me, Natalie S. and her were going to go out to eat, just the 3 of us. And we did tell her that it was for her birthday. She didn't suspect a single thing!!
When we got to Chili's Natalie L. told me to get down and see if there were any tables. (We told her that since it was the day before Valentine's Day there might be a long wait). It was so perfect that she told me to do that because I could go in and see if the other people waiting for us had been seated yet. Well....they hadn't. So I went out and told Natalie and Natalie that there weren't enought tables for us, so we had to wait 15 or 20 minutes before going in. A little while later, I went in again. Mom said to wait about a minute or two, and then come in. So I went back out to the car and we waited a minute or two, then went in. On the way in, though, I could see all our people through the window, so I was pointing to the sky in the opposite, I was saying things like, "Wow...those clouds look really pretty. Look at that star....Oh, there is no way that's a star. It's way to big. It must be a planet. I wonder if it's Venus because if it was Mars it would look redish...."
When we went in, right as we went around the corner where the table was, I covered Natalie's eyes. When I uncovered them, I think she was kinda shocked and had a little minute of taking it all in! Then she turned around and looked at me and Natalie S. (of course we were both bursting with smiles of pride that we actually pulled off the surprise). She said, very bluntly, "I'm gonna beat ya'll."
It was a very fun night. We had a really awesome cake that Natalie Sibille made for her. That was another surprise! Then after we ate, we had another surprise for her. We found out that there was one theatre in Lafayette that was still playing the movie "Twilight". (Actually Natalie LaCombe was the one that informed me of this). So, since Natalie L. was the only one that could drive us there, we told her that she couldn't know where we were going, but we were just gonna tell her where to turn and stuff. Well, it turns out that we got in Lafayette way early, so we stopped at a Starbucks for a little while. I got a chocolatey chocolate frappuchino, which, needless to say, was amazing. Then when we got to the theatre, we blindfolded her. But, when we walked up to the theatre, the fire alarm was going off, so I decided that it would be considerate to unblindfold her. We had to wait awhile and the entire theatre had to be evacuated. Finally they discoverated that some teenagers or somebody had pulled the fire alarm and there was really no need for panic. Then, we finally got to go in and watch the movie. Of course, Natalie LaCombe started falling asleep...it was pretty funny. I kept "accidentally" bumping her arm to wake her up. Then we went to spend the night at the Sibille's house. It was alot of fun!
For Lydia's birthday, she had an American Girl Mystery Party. It was pretty cute. She and her friends had a good time. We all wore costumes. Natalie Sibille came and helped with the party, too. For Dad's birthday we had a cake and I wrapped all the presents in coordinating paper (they looked fabulous, if I do say so myself, the even matched his German Chocolate cake!)
We also celebrated Uncle Stonnie's birthday. It was at my cousin's camp. We went over there and spent the night. It was alot of fun! We spent time with all of my Dad's family because Uncle Stonnie is his brother. We had a great time!
Here are some pictures of the February Birthday Parties:
Lydia blowing out her 11 candles!
Okay...well that's it for my February. I mean, obviously that's not everything that happened to me, but that's the highlights.
Coming Soon:
March 20- Older sister Nichole/Nony coming home for a visit.
March 26- "Complete Works Of William Shakespeare Abridged" Opens. I'm doing lights and sometimes sound.
April 10- Off school for Easter Break! Nony and Frank come for a visit!!
April 11- My Birthday!
April 17- !!!!!!!!!!!!!LEAVE FOR NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Whew! What a whirlwind! I'm having flashbacks to December with all the birthdays. Those all look like so much fun. Thanks for sharing. And all the cakes look amazing. Natalie did a great job on the Twilight cake. Way to go!
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