We have had a
good week in the Feucht household. Well actually, two good weeks in a row! The week before last, there were some mission teams in Opelousas from colleges in Iowa and Tennessee! It was really fun! They painted the Hill House where we go tutor on Wednesdays a bright sunshiney yellow! It's really awesome! You can see it from Main Street. Plus I made some new friends. I met Kelsey, Molly, Chelsea, Samantha, Maggie, Sarah, and Samantha just to name a few. And also, Mirae that had come last summer was here again too! Me and Natalie LaCombe spent a whole afternoon with them. We played games with some of the kids from the Hill. And when they went home, it wasn't quite time for Youth Group, yet, so we hung out at the Hope House (which is across the street from church) for about 45 minutes, just talking to some of the girls. It was really fun! And really cool to meet all these college people who are so obviously living for Christ!
This week started off with me and Hannah Sonbuchner attending little Mary-Charlotte Boagni's birthday party. It was pretty adorable. It was her second birthday and the decorations were all pink and green and flowers and bunnies! So sweet!
Monday, I had dancing, which was marvelous as usual. I particularly enjoyed ballet this week. I usually have one class that stands out each week as being better than the other one. This week, it was ballet. I was just getting all the combinations right, and I felt pretty dancing! :-) After dancing, we had practice for "The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare Abridged". I am the "Light Fairy" (or some boring people like to say that I am doing the lights for the show...oh and the sounds some nights). It's a hilarious play. Casey Harmon, Duncan McBride, and Jay Mantell (I definetely don't know if that's how you spell Jay's name, but I hope it's right!). They are so funny. I haven't gotten tired of the show yet at all! Usually just watching the show, I get tired of it, but they just always make me laugh!
Tuesday, something wonderful happened! Nony came down from New York for a visit!!!! When she got home, I showed her a chocolate cheesecake recipe that I found in the Kraft Food and Family magazine. Then we decided to walk to Super 1 Foods and get the ingredients that were neccessary to make this delicious dessert. So we did!
And that is what it looks like! (Only we definetely left the blueberries off!) It was quite yummy, I will have you know! Tuesday, I had play practice again. Oh! And it was St. Patrick's Day. I totally didn't wear green and I only got pinched 3 little times: Mom, Lydia, and Natalie Sibille!
Wednesday, was probably my favorite day this week. Alot of marvelacious things happened. We got to see Nony again, which is always a good thing, cause we love her! Then, we went to tutor at the Hill House. When we came back from the Hill House, Mom and Dad had a "surprise" for me. Honestly, I knew all about it. Well first of all I'll tell you what the surprise was, then I can explain much easier. So, here it is, in all it's glory: my new LAPTOP!!!

It's yellow!! Okay, so here's the story: I decided awhile back that I wanted to get a laptop. I thought it would come in quite handy for college and everything next year. I also thought that it would be extremely convenient for me... :-) So, I started searching for a good deal. When I finally found one, I was totally ready to buy it. So, mom said I could. I have plenty of money in savings. So we ordered it!! I was surprised at how readily Mom agreed to buying something so expensive, that's when I got suspicious. Then when Mom wouldn't let me open the laptop when it arrived, I KNEW something was up. Later on in the afternoon Mom and Dad gave it to me! It was wonderful! I really like it!
Yesterday (Thursday) was a nice day, too. It was pretty boring at first, but then Natalie LaCombe got home and we decided that we should get ready together. We were going to see Natalie Sibille and Mikie in their school play, "Big River". It's the story of Huck Finn. They both did a fabulous job! They play was pretty cute, too. Then afterwards we went to eat at Casa Ole'. It was really fun!
This week, Lydia also got a pet bunny. She named him Jo-Jo. He’s cute and soft and fuzzy! I think she’s really liking him!
Today was a good day also. Me and Natalie S. both took a half day of school. Now, we're at her house just hanging out, being friends....talking about silly things...very silly...just enjoying our lives! :-)
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