Anyway, now I gotta tell ya'll about Megan's costume! In the picture below, Victoria is the girl all the way to the right. You see that fuzzy white thing? Well, Megan actually wore something like that! It was pretty funny and awesome! But, she used a rug! Yes, a white fake fur rug from Wal-Mart. People definetely gave her some funny looks, but that's ok, cause she looked an awful lot like her character. We all laughed, though, even Megan!
Then, on Saturday, I was brought to Krotz Springs at 12:45 to meet up with Jennifer's dad. We were surprising her for her birthday! Actually, her birthday was in December, but so are most of her kids and husband and Christmas, and then New Years Jennifer never got to celebrate her birthday! So her sister planned a party for her. I was to be the babysitter for 10 kids, although 2 of the 10 kids were a help. So, me, Claire, and Laura Rose took care of Ethan, Blythe, Owen, Evelyn, Jesse, Macy, Drew, and Lily. It was a fun night! We had our own little party over there! The kids were all so sweet and cute and hardly gave us any trouble at all. They all went to sleep pretty well. I'm very proud of Ethan and Blythe. Neither of them had their blankies, but they both went to sleep! (after I sang to them....Owen was so cute while I was singing to him!) The only one that wouldn't go to sleep was Macy, but we didn't mind because she didn't bother us at all. She sat and ate a late night snack of mint-chocolate chip ice cream and laughed and talked with us!
The adults got back at around 11:30, I think....I'm actually not sure, but it was quite late! Apparently, the party was a huge success and lots of fun! Jennifer had been thoroughly surprised! I think she had a really special night!
Sunday was a pretty normal day. We went to church and then came home. I spent the afternoon watching "Titanic" (which is my favorite movie right now). Then me and Mom went to Wal-Mart and got wireless internet for my laptop, which I am taking advantage of right now! At the exact time that we returned from Wally World, Nony arrived at our house. We had barbecued chicken and sausage and potato salad and snap beans for supper! We hadn't had barbecue in awhile since Dad has been having some troubles with his back. It was SO good! And we all watched "Twilight" together. Mom hadn't seen it yet, but she has read all the books. I think she really liked it. I enjoyed watching it with Nony. She had seen it before, so we were whispering to each other the whole time about stuff going on! It was very fun!
This morning, we haven't done any school at all, yet. My mother is being a mid-wife for our cat. Sophie is having kittens right now, as I speak. And I am told that if I go and see kittens being born that I get to skip science for today.....I don't like science, so I believe that I'm gonna take advantage of this opportunity. Last I heard there was 2 white ones! :-)
Awesome weekend!!! Thank you so much for your gift. How will I ever repay you? Glad your mom got to see Twilight. Enjoy the kittens.
You don't even have to worry about repaying me!! You know I love being with your kids and your family! They're all so fun!
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